Jan 14, 2009

Master Zhen's Dialogue with Disciples -- Keep in Mind What Guanyin Bodhisattva says!

Disciple: I feel I look like a balsam pear (that tastes bitter).

Master: Bitterness arises because of one’s ego.

Disciple: Yes indeed. I care too much about my own image.

Master: Orininally, the world is free from it all. It all happens because of our egos.

Discple: How can I get rid of the ego? I don’t want it. I am so tired from it.

Master: Read the sutra, honestly, and earnestly.

Disciple: Again! I read it everyday. The ego somehow remains unmoved.

Master: Are you reading it with the five-no principles (translator: No complaining, no suspicion, no impatience, no I-don’t-care-about-it attitude, and no-inconsistency.)? Remeber, rapid water flow takes away everything. A mind characterized by impatience leads one nowhere. This is the saying by Guanyin Bodhisattva. Keep it in mind!

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