Jan 7, 2009

Stick to the Single-mindfulness -- Shi Zhenlin (Master)

Singleness clarifies Heaven, stabilizes Earth, and sets our mind at peace.

That is why we only need to keep our mind single. Don’t think too much.

Shakyamuni Buddha reminds us though all the sutras that we should not be deluded by the happenings in the universe, but should hold on to the single-mindfulness. It all remains essentially the same despite all the changes. Keep to the single-mindfulness, and we understand all the other thoughts in the mind. If we follow the numerous thoughts, we only get confused and lost, not knowing the way back home.

Fish lives and grows in water, but not vise versa. Keep and protect the water well, and the beings shall grow out of it. But, if you follow the beings in the water, well, one gets more and more lost.

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