Nov 25, 2008

Health Comes from Heart------Lingwang

Health comes from your heart, not food. Master Zhen Lin was talking to us about the importance of staying vegetarian last night. I then asked him whether I could start doing so a few months later as I just had a big operation and would have chemical therapy very soon. I kept eating a lot of meat food these days for fear that I might be too weak. This is what Master Zhen Lin told me and I totally accept it and decide to do it now. “Cattle eat grass only. Are they weak? It is a must that a cancer patient stays away from meat food, otherwise he or she would never recover. The more meat food you eat, the better the vicious cells will grow in your body. These vicious cells want us to eat meat as in that case they grow faster. If you take a look at Nature, you will notice that while animals like elephant and cattle eat grass only, their milk is just as nutritious as humans’. Health comes from your heart, not food. Keep your heart pure and calm, and you will be healthy. Amita-Buddha! Thank you, dear Master Zhen Lin!

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