Dec 25, 2008

For Beginners of Buddhist Practice -- Shi Zhenlin (Master)

Beginners of Buddhist practice are people who, due to one reason or another in the present life, have just begun to practice the Buddha Dharma. As a matter of fact, these people are not beginners at all. You should have confidence in yourself. It is certainly not the first time that you have practiced the Buddha Dharma since innumerable long kalpas till now. Buddha Shakyamuni states in the Buddha Speaks Mahayana Eternal Life Sublime Sutra, that people who are filled with joy when hearing Amita-Budha, Buddhist Sutras, and Mantras and who pay homage to the Statues of Buddha and Bodhisattvas respectfully and joyfully have practiced Buddha Dharma for more than one life circle, not to mention those who are able to uphold and read sutras and mantras. These people have cultivated great good roots. Therefore, you need to have the confidence and faith in yourselves as Buddhist practitioners. But you have also to keep in mind that now matter how great the good roots are, you need to practice the true Buddha Dharma in order to tap the uncontaminated faculties. Faculties here can also be interpreted as potentials. You have to practice even if you had been a Buddha before you were born a human. The only way to reach enlightenment is to concentrate on just one method (sutra), and practice with full devotion.

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