Feb 6, 2009

Always Reflect Within--Zhi Tong (Disciple)

Always Reflect Within-- Zhi Tong

It is our mind that makes us sinful.

How is a sin created?

There is nothing good or bad but our thinking makes it so.
A sin is created when we discriminate.

The retribution will befall us other than others.

A genuine cultivator, instead of keeping an eye on the wrongs of others, always reflects within.

He does not look for the transgression of others, but always atones his own offenses.

A cultivator who can make it is like like the Udumbara Flowers which rarely bloom, and who has truly understood the teachings by Jesus.

Nailed to death to the cross, he shocked the whole word. By saying “I die for you”, he forgave and forgot all our sins.

He did so without regret or grumbling.

This is what the Jesus practice is truly about.

With single-minded sincerity, we shall get the treasure, and travel to the Heavenly kingdom as we want.

Always cherish God in our heart, with sincerity!

May we all behave voluntarily accordingly!

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