Feb 4, 2009

Why Unhappy? -- Shi Zhenlin (Master)

Unhappiness arises as a result of greed. Some people don’t keep their promises. They would make a wish and a corresponding promise before Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, but don’t deliver it even the wish is realized. They always can find an excuse for not delivering it. When faced with troubles, they complain about bad luck. They fail to realize that it is all because of the karmic offenses they have committed. It does not have anything to do with luck.

If we stay single-minded without entertaining other thoughts, the external circumstances will change as we will.

The biggest obstacle before us is the doubt and suspicion in our heart.

The biggest challenge is to be fully-committed to whatever we do.

How can we not be successful if we are serious and fully-committed?

However, some of you often make up excuses why you cannot make it.

What you say, as a result, is inconsistent with what you do. That is why you feel bad.

If you are doubtful of the Buddha Dharma and want to test it, it is like trying to measure how deep the Atlantic Ocean is with a piece of short wood stick. Will that help? Can you make it?

Only with a sincere heart, a devout heart, and an open heart can we go into it and conceive the subtle wonder of the Buddha Dharma. With the three hearts, how can it not be efficacious for you before the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Master?

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