Feb 12, 2009

Little Helly's Dream 3- Little Turtles

Translation note:

Six-year-old Little Helly is the daughter of Linghua and Zhitong, both of whom are disciples of Master Zhenlin. She has been singing Buddhist songs since July 2008, and has been dreaming of dreams as beautiful as fairy tales every since then almost every night. As her dreams are not only incredibly interesting, but of continuity, Linghua is writing them down, and hopes it could lead us into the amazing world of fairy tales in Little Helly’s Dream.

3-Little Turtles

“Mom, I was play with the little turtles last night.”

“What were you doing?”

“I was taking the bath with them in a pond.”

Well, my little Helly gave birth to the turtles one night, when she dreamt of Guanyin Bodhisattva who took her to a little pond, and asked her to stay in it. Little Helly was very obedient, and so sat in the warm water.

Guanyin Bodhisattva then said to her, “Give birth to little turtles!”

Then one by one, the little turtles popped out of Little Helly’s chest non-stop. She gave birth to over one hundred of them in one breath.

“Helly, do you give birth to other animals other than little turtles?” I asked her the other day.”

“Yes, I do” Little Helly answered, “There is a large grove on the way to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. It is right by the Pure Land. Inside the grove, there are many animals there. Sometimes Guanyin Bodhisattva asks me to give birth to tigers, and sometimes wolves, sheep, and rabbits. They are born out of my nostrils. They run around in the grove looking for food themselves. I don’t need to feed them. Mom, the little turtles are sometimes no good. They want me to buy icecream for them.

“How do the little turtles address you?”

“The little turtles say, ‘Mummy, Mummy, I want icecream.”

“Um, so you, too, are a mom?”

“Yes, the little turtles call me Mummy. Then, I have to visit the icecream store to get the little turtles icecream.”

“How do you pay for it since you don’t have any money?”

“There is nobody around in the icecream. I just get it myself.”

“Wow, that is great! Do you try it?”

“Yes, I eat the icecream together with the little turtles. We share it.”

“And then?”

“Then we play the sliding board together. They insist on playing it together with me. We also take a nap together.”

“Where do you nap?”

“On a large bed. The little turtles are of different colors, red, green, white, blue, but no one is black. A pink one is particularly intimate to me.”

“Where is the bed?”

“Inside a very beautiful room. I built it. There are four rooms. Dad, Mom, Grandpa, and Grandma can all live inside it.”

‘Does it get dark there?”

“No, always dalight in the Pure Land of Ultimaate Bliss. It is orange in color. Sometimes the color changes and is white as snow.

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