Feb 17, 2009

Master Zhenlin Talks on Thoughts

Disciple: Regarding the concept of staying in accord with conditions, does it mean to act according to the flow of our thoughts? How to make it? Is it different from sitting there as if one were dead?

Master: Acting according to the flow of one’s thoughts is not in accord with conditions. Yes, it is different. Sitting there as if one were dead means one sits there thinking about nothing and caring about nothing. In fact, when in such a state, one loses control of oneself and the mind shall be rattled by many idle thoughts.

Disciple: Does not that sound in conflict with each other? On the one hand, you do not think about anything. On the other hand, you lose control of yourself.

Master: Apply efforts to practice, and you shall understand it. The Buddha Dharma transcends the eight consciousnesses. If you think it with mind, you won’t be able to gain release from the six consciousnesses. For sure, in that case you won’t understand why.

Disciple: What is your take on thoughts?

Master: I expounded upon thoughts several times when I lectured on sutras. Detailed explanations are also avaialbe in my blog. Your interest in reading is the origine of thoughts. Your asking the questions gives rise to thoughts. Thoughts are born out of a false mind.

Disciple: What can we do about thoughts?

Master: To cultivate. Through cultivation, you sovle your psychological problems. Shakyamuni Buddha calls it certification of cultivation. When your efforts are up to it, you make it.

Disciple: Can single-mindedness melt away all the idle thoughts?

Master: Apply a single mind when reading the sutra. Apply an unconditioned mind in the making of it.

Disciple: Is the Buddha Dharma close to the Chan school?

Master: The Chan is not a school. The Chan is not Chan. It is invisible and formless. It does nothing, but also everything.

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